KSDE Weekly

Reporting and Operations

Mentor Programs application system now open for entries

The Mentor Programs application system is now open for entering mentor teachers for stipend review.

The deadline for entering mentor teachers for stipend review is 5 p.m. Sept. 25.  The Mentor Programs application system will close at that time.

Districts’ Licensed Personnel Report Contacts (LPRCs) can:

  • Go to ksde.org.
  • Use district access to log into Authenticated Applications.
  • Read and accept the legal notice.
  • Select Mentor Programs from the list of KSDE web applications.
  • Select the current school year from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the Welcome Page.
  • Click on the Mentor tab in the left side bar.
  • Follow the directions on that page.

If your district has had a personnel change in the LPRC role, please update that contact information in the Directory Updates system. 

During the fall semester, districts will enter mentors only.  The system will not allow for entry of mentees, assignments or submissions until the spring semester. For districts that enter mentors before the Sept. 25 deadline, the system will be accessible again from April 1-May 1, 2024, for completing and submitting the final report. 

For Mentoring Stipend questions (Mentoring Program application system, distribution of stipend funds, etc.), contact Leslie Bruton by email at lbruton@ksde.org or by phone at (785) 296-8011.

For Mentoring Program questions (mentoring plans, program updates, KESA compliance, etc.), contact Ed Kalas by email at ekalas@ksde.org or by phone at (785) 296–2198.

For more information about either, please visit: Mentoring (ksde.org).

Posted: Aug 10, 2023,
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