KSDE is committed to supporting Kansas school districts serve students who are experiencing homelessness.
Homeless Liaison Responsibilities (external Word document) McKinney-Vento Act – Fact Sheet (PDF) Education for Homeless Children and Youth McKinney-Vento Brochure English (PDF) / Spanish (PDF)
Each Kansas school district McKinney-Vento Liaison is required to complete annual training. The district liaison must also provide McKinney-Vento professional development to district staff and administration. Required Annual Training and Information Submission (SurveyMonkey)
McKinney Vento 101: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Live Trainings August 8 1:30 pm August 15 11:00 am August 19 11:30 am August 20 2:00 pm September 17 11:00 am October 16 1:00 pm November 12 10:30 am Reminders and Zoom links will be sent via the McKinney Vento listserv.
NCHE McKinney Vento Training Resources (external link) Self- Paced Trainings (external link) Live, Interactive Group Training (external link) 2023 KSDE McKinney-Vento 101 PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Required Staff and Student Trainings (under Guidance for Administrators and Business Office)
McKinney-Vento Title I, Part A Set Asides - Fact Sheet (PDF) McKinney-Vento Subgrant Use of Funds - Fact Sheet (PDF) ARP-HCY Allowable Use of Funds - Fact Sheet (PDF)
In March 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) was signed into law. ARP-HCY funds are to be used to identify homeless children and youth, to provide homeless children and youth with wrap-around services to address the challenges of COVID-19, and to enable homeless children and youth to attend school and fully participate in school activities.
Handbook for Local Liaisons and Grant Managers (PDF) ARP-HCY Allowable Use of Funds - Fact Sheet (PDF)
ARP-HCY I funds have been distributed to McKinney Vento subgrant recipients.
ARP-HCY II subgrants have been distributed to all Kansas school districts, either to the individual school district, or to a consortium with multiple districts. Consortia subgrantees include:
ARP-HCY-II Allocations (PDF)
McKinney Vento Liaison Contacts by District (PDF) (updated 11/29/2023) Kansas School Staff Resource Guide Homeless Children And Youth (PDF) Community Resource Guide (PDF) / (Excel)
National and State Websites NCHE (National Center for Homeless Education) Publications and Products (external site) NCHE Local Education Agency (LEA) Liaison Toolkit (external site) NCHE McKinney Vento Alphabetical Topics (external site) NCHE McKinney Vento Training Resources, Videos and Issue Briefs (external site) National Coalition for the Homeless (external site) National Association of the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) (external site) National Homelessness Law Center (external site) Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition (external site) SchoolHouse Connection (SHC) (external site) School House Connection (SHC) Unaccompanied Youth (external site) School House Connection (SHC) Q&A From Our Inbox (external site)
Outreach Materials
Education for Homeless Children and Youth McKinney-Vento Brochure English (PDF) / Spanish (PDF)
Youth Poster English (PDF) Spanish (PDF) Parent Poster English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
McKinney-Vento Mortgage Poster (PDF) McKinney-Vento FAFSA Poster (PDF)
Sample McKinney-Vento Forms Nutrition Form (Word) Housing Questionnaire #1 (Word) Housing Questionnaire #2 (Word) Family Survey (Word) Community Service Provider Survey (Word) Staff Survey (Word) LEA Needs Assessment (Word)
2017-2018 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF) 2018-2019 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF) 2019-2020 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF) 2020-2021 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF) 2021-2022 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF) 2022-2023 Kansas EHCY Data (PDF)
Law: McKinney-Vento: Law, Guidance, and Related Legislation (National Center for Homeless Education)
Policy: Kansas State Homeless Plan (2018) (PDF) USDA Memo (July 19, 2004) Categorical Eligibility of Homeless Children and Youth (PDF) USDA Memo SP3 (July 7, 2004) Eligibility for Free Meals (PDF)
Dispute Resolution Process: Dispute Resolution Process (PDF)
Maureen Tabasko EHCY State Coordinator
Roxanne Zillinger ARP-HCY Coordinator
The McKinney Vento (Homeless) Listserv is used to send out information, updates, conference dates and professional development opportunities to LEA's.
To sign up, send this information: Subject line: McKinney Vento (Homeless) Listserv Body of message: Please add (first and last name) to the McKinney Vento (Homeless) listserv for USD Number, USD Name, Work Phone Number Send to this address:
You should receive an e mail from the listserv within 10 business days.
Main Team Page Special Education Title Services Announcements Fact Sheets Kansas Integrated Accountability System (KIAS) Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) (external link) Kansas’ Technical Assistance System Network (TASN) (external link)
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