KSDE Weekly

Reporting and Operations

Update on KESA Accreditation Advisory Council November meeting

The Accreditation Advisory Council (AAC) met Nov. 7. 

The AAC is a group of about 35 education professionals who meet several times per year about Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA). In 2022, the AAC met Sept. 19 and Nov. 7. Upcoming meetings in 2023 are Feb. 6, April 3 and June 5. 

During the November meeting, AAC members participated in two breakout discussions to provide feedback to the Kansas State Department of Education’s Accreditation and Design (AD) team. 

The first breakout focused on the role of the Design Principles, formerly called the Redesign Principles, which include: 

  • Student success skills 

  • Family, business and community partnerships 

  • Personalized learning 

  • Real-world application 

The second area AAC members provided feedback on was measuring the impact of KESA. This feedback will be used to establish measures and metrics for work moving forward. 

To learn more about the AAC – and to apply for future open positions – visit the AAC page on the KSDE website. 

Posted: Dec 1, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: KESA , AAC

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