KSDE Weekly

Reporting and Operations

Applicants being sought for Engineering Career Cluster review

The Engineering Career Cluster will be reviewed during the fall of the 2022-2023 school year. 

The Cluster Review Committee will include Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Energy and Aviation Production secondary educators representing all regions and sizes of school districts in Kansas, postsecondary educators and business/industry representatives. 

If you are teaching courses in the Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Energy and/or Aviation Production pathways and would like to apply to serve on the Cluster Review Committee, contact Crystal Roberts croberts@ksde.org to receive more information and an application by Monday, Sept. 5.   

The current plan is to meet in-person from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, at the Kansas State Department of Education, 900 S.W. Jackson St. in Topeka.  

The work to be done will include reviewing the current pathway design and courses to determine if they are rigorous and relevant to current postsecondary and business/industry standards. This will require reviewing the current competencies and possibly rewording/adding/deleting competencies to provide students with the most up-to-date workforce skills.  

In addition, current courses will need to be reorganized into competency groupings to have overarching benchmarks created that align to Common Career Technical Core National standards for STEM (https://cte.careertech.org/sites/default/files/ST-CCTC_PerformanceElements.pdf). 

KSDE plans to offer a stipend for all secondary pathway/course educators that participate on the Cluster Review Committee. This stipend is intended to cover two mandatory committee meetings (September in person/November virtual), group/individual course review work, travel, per diem, hotel and substitute reimbursement. 

Posted: Aug 31, 2022,
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