KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

KSDE seeking program reviewers for higher education preparation programs

The Kansas State Department of Education is seeking reviewers to serve on review teams for higher education preparation programs for each license and endorsement area. Reviews are held in fall and spring semesters, on a seven-year cycle for each college and university. 

Please sign up to receive information on preparation program reviewer training and calls for reviewers at https://ksde.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bJaPlm0vk1SRNpY

Program review is vital to maintaining strong teacher preparation in Kansas. Institutions must have approved programs for all areas for which they wish to make licensing recommendations. 

Each KSDE-accredited teacher preparation institution’s programs are reviewed on a seven-year cycle, with program reviews held 18 months in advance of the unit’s accreditation visit. Institutions may propose new programs at any time in their accreditation cycle. 

Reviewers thoroughly examine the assessments, scoring guides and rubrics, data and other supporting documents of a teacher preparation program in their content area, and work with fellow team members to determine whether the program meets each of the Kansas licensure program standards for that area, note any areas for improvement and complete a program review team report using a provided template. Training is offered every fall, as well as a refresher at the beginning of each review. 

Reviewers are reimbursed for travel and tolls (with receipt), overnight stay if necessary for travel more than 150 miles one way, and a substitute teacher if necessary. 

Posted: Nov 3, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush

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