Kansas District Selected Evaluation Protocols

Kansas school districts may select an evaluation protocol other than the default model, KEEP.

The most common reasons for selecting a non-KEEP evaluation protocol are having an evaluation protocol that has been locally developed over a number of years or having a membership in an educational service center that provides an evaluation protocol and relative technical supports.

All evaluation protocols must include Seven Guidelines ensuring a rigorous, comprehensive and fair system of evaluation aimed at improving instructional quality and student performance.

1. Used for continual improvement of instruction.

2. Differentiated performance using at least 3 levels.

3. Multiple, valid measures in determining performance levels, including as a significant factor data related to student performance and a process ensuring inter-rater reliability.

4. Evaluation of all educators on a regular basis.

5. Provide clear, timely, useful feedback that identifies needs and guides professional learning opportunities to specific needs.

6. Data and a process will be used to inform personnel decisions.

7. Teacher rubrics must follow the INTASC model for teaching standards and learning progression and administrator rubrics must follow the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL).

Non-KEEP evaluation protocols filed with the Kansas State Department of Education:
Locally created
Teacher Effectiveness Framework
Network for Educator Effectiveness

All Kansas school districts will provide continual professional learning opportunities for building leaders with a primary focus of district level training with regard to inter-rater agreement as part of the evaluation process.

Useful Resources

General Information about KS Educator Evaluation Protocols:

Kansas Educator Evaluation Systems Handbook (PDF)

Evaluation Requirements (PDF)

Evaluation Timeline (PDF)

Educator Performance Rating Matrix (PDF)

Educator Evaluation Contacts

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