New: Kansas Purple Star School Recognition Program
On October 11, 2022, the Kansas State Board of Education unanimously voted 10-0 to approve the Kansas Purple Star School Recognition Program. This program is designed to help schools respond to the educational challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school and keep them on track to be college, workforce and life-ready. The Purple Star School designation is awarded to military-friendly school districts and schools that have demonstrated a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation's military, including active duty, National Guard or Reserve. A Purple Star School will actively support students as they relocate to new schools due to a parent's change in duty station.

The Purple Star School Recognition Program is a partnership between the Kansas State Department of Education and the Kansas Military Children Education Council (KMCEC).

How to Qualify:
For a school district to be awarded the Kansas Purple Star School designation, the district and school must complete all of the required activities and submit an application to the Kansas State Department of Education by February 1 to be designated the following three school years. School district and school activities, requirements and criteria are outlined in the application. Criteria such as the board passing a resolution, a dedicated webpage with resources for military families, a point of contact person at each building to work with school administration, provide professional development on the needs of military-connected students and families, implement a student-led transition program to provide peer support, and host military recognition events. 

- USDs may submit an application between Oct 1 through Feb 1
February 1 - All applications due to KSDE. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
Kansas Military Education Council (KMCEC) will review all applications to determine schools that have met specific criteria to receive this award. 
April - Awardees shall be officially recognized by the Kansas State Board of Education at the April meeting. Schools that earn the Purple Star School designation will be notified and receive a template with the Kansas Purple Star logo to personalize and display on their website and in school buildings. 

Renewal:  All schools earning the Purple Star School designation will maintain their status for three years. At the end of year three, the school must reapply to remain recognized. 

KSDE Application and Materials:
 - Purple Star School Designation Application (fillable PDF) to apply for 2025-2026 school year
Materials to introduce the Purple Star program to school district staff and board members:
 - Announcement: KSDE Introduction, Recommendations, Timelines to Apply (PDF) 
 - Overview of Kansas Purple Star Schools Program (PowerPoint Presentation) 
 - Discussion Points: Purple Star Schools Program - Start a discussion on implementation with staff and board members

Guidance and Recommendations to Establish a Program:
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)
is the nation's leading advocate of the Purple Star School program.
 - Visit the MCEC website: 
MCEC Purple Star Schools Resources and Training:
Download the study below for guidance and recommendations to fulfill the requirements to become designated as a Purple Star School.
 - A Study of the Purple Star School Designation Program: Summary Report (MCEC) (PDF)
 - Purple Star Readiness for Schools: MCEC services and resources to help schools achieve the Purple Star School designation

Kansas Purple Star Schools:  
Derby Schools (Derby, Wichita area, McConnell AFB) USD 260 Home - Derby Public Schools, USD 260 ( 
Geary County Schools (Fort Riley, Junction City) USD 475 Geary County Schools - Purple Star Program  Military Resources webpage  
Fort Leavenworth (Fort Leavenworth) USD 207 Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207 (
Leavenworth (Fort Leavenworth) USD 453 About Our District - Leavenworth Unified School District (
Mulvane (Mulvane, McConnell AFB) USD 263 Mulvane School District USD 263 

MOMC Governor's Proclamation - April is Month of the Military Child (MOMC)

Kansas Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3) Link to National MIC3 Website:
Children of active-duty military personnel encounter many challenges, including school enrollment, eligibility, placement and graduation due to frequent relocations in service to our country. The MIC3 provides uniform treatment of children in military families transferring between school districts and states. The Compact was developed by the Council of State Governments' National Center for Interstate Compacts, the Department of Defense, national associations, federal and state officials, departments of education, school administrators and military families and activated in July 2008. Kansas was the 1st state to adopt the compact on April 9, 2008. Since January 2015, the Compact has been adopted by all 50 states and the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) schools. The Compact provides for an Interstate Commission to draft and enforce rules and provide general oversight. Note: The Compact applies to public schools only.

Kansas Military Children Education Council (KMCEC)
Each member state represented on the Interstate Commission must create its own Council. 
Membership List (PDF) Kansas Military Children Educational Council - KMCEC

KMCEC Meeting Summaries
Feb 29, 2024 Virtual meeting (PDF)
Feb 24, 2023 Virtual meeting (PDF)
May 12, 2022 Virtual meeting (PDF)
​December 2, 2020 Conference Call (PDF)
November 20, 2019 Conference Call (PDF)
March 20, 2019 Conference Call (PDF)
January 5, 2018 Conference Call (PDF)
December 15, 2016 Conference Call (PDF)
April 7, 2015 Conference Call (PDF)
February 28, 2014 Conference Call (Word)
March 13, 2013 Conference Call (PDF)

Military Interstate Children's Compact Training (Oct.1.2018)
MIC3 History, Articles & Rules, Structure (PPTX)
6 Case Studies (PPTX)

If you are a veteran or active duty military with questions about federal financial aid in order to enroll at a Kansas university or community college, contact the Kansas Board of Regents for assistance. Website: Phone: (785) 430-4294
Kansas Statute 72-8268
Link to National MIC3 Website: Military Interstate Childrens's Compact Commission (MIC3)
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) - nonprofit organization that solely exists to help military-connected children thrive.
Impact Aid - Why is it unique in Kansas? (PDF)
Specific Impacts on Military Children (PDF)
Age of Entrance Statute (K.S.A. 72-3118, Chapter 72-Schools) Fact Sheet Compliance with age requirements (PDF)    

Kansas Statutes regarding textbooks and student material fees
K.S.A. 72-3346: Textbook rental plan; fees
K.S.A. 72-3352: Board of Education; authorization to purchase certain items for use of pupils
K.S.A. 72-3353:  Fees; supplemental charges authorized to be prescribed and collected, disposition of moneys

School Finance Director
Dale Brungardt
(785) 296-3872

Assistant Director
Sara McCullah
(785) 296-3872 


Questions about this page?
Katie Albright


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