PEER REVIEW - ONLY for 2023/2024


In 2023/2024, the OVT model is transitioning into the Peer Review. 

During the first cycle of Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA), every system was required to work with an Outside Validation Team (which later became the Outside Visitation Team) to receive feedback about the work and progress of your system. Over the course of the first cycle, the role of OVT changed from that of validation to that of collaboration and feedback. While some systems were able to build strong partnerships with their OVT members, many struggled to build consistent and meaningful relationships with their OVT.

Moving forward, the Accreditation and Design Team is making two changes to the OVT model.

  1. We are moving away from ‘Outside VisitationTeam’ and to the term ‘Peer Review’ as it more accurately reflects the intention and scope of work.

  2. We are offering flexibility in how you curate a peer review team for the purposes of obtaining feedback. Note, you must have a peer review annually but, for the 2023-2024 school year, how you engage in the process is flexible.

To better support systems in engaging in third-party accountability and collaboration, the Accreditation and Design Team is adding flexibility to the model by offering three ways through which your system can obtain feedback from a third party. The three options for obtaining your ‘Peer Review’ include:

  • Regional Peer Review

  • Traditional Peer Review

  • Like-System Peer Review

The graphic below outlines what is expected within each peer review model. Each system must choose a model that works best for them.


You can learn more about the meeting norms, focus, and desired outcomes by reviewing this FACT SHEET

Training on how to facilitate high-quality peer-review sessions will be coming later this year.



Outside Visitation Team (OVT) and Chairs

Outside Visitation Team Members

Training is required of all OVT members, including those who wish to serve as a Chair. To be a Chair, you must first attend OVT Member training and then attend OVT Chair training (See the "OVT Chair" section below.).

OVT Member Training Schedule- 2022/2023

List of Potential OVT Members  This list contains those trained and/or OVT Chairs who are willing to serve on a system OVT. There may be names missing on the list because of bad or undeliverable emails. KSDE is working through those. There is a longer list of names that includes those who did not want to be posted on the website. If  you are interested in that list, please email  

OVT Chairs


OVT Chair Training Schedule - 2022/2023

Past Resources

If, in your current position, you are not associated with a system/district, you will be required to complete the KSDE Security Training prior to approval as a user for the KESA Application. The link to the security training is: New users will need to create an account.

OVT Annual Summary Reports

 *This section will be updated after the August 10 KESA kickoff.*

K-12 Accreditation Contacts

Director of Accreditation and Design
Jay Scott  

Assistant Director 
Myron Melton

West Regional Executive
Amber Miller

Central Regional Executive
Mindy Bruce

East Regional Executive
Jean Rush

Administrative Specialist
Rue Huereca-Retana

Accreditation Email

If you would like to subscribe to the KESA Listserv, simply email your request to You can learn about how to use the listserv here!

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