KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Summary of KSDE’s annual budget request

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) submitted its annual budget request on Friday, Sept. 8. 

This year’s budget request included a revised estimate for state fiscal year (FY) 2024 and an initial estimate for FY 2025. The state fiscal year lasts from July 1 to June 30. A summary of the budget is provided below. 

The agency’s full budget request can be found on the KSDE website under Fiscal Services and Operations. Please direct any questions regarding the agency’s budget to John Hess, director of Fiscal Services and Operations, via email at jhess@ksde.org.  

FY 2024 

KSDE’s FY 2024 budget estimate totals $6.7 billion, including $4.6 billion from Kansas’ State General Fund (SGF). The budget includes $6.6 billion ($4.6 billion SGF) for state aid to school districts, other local education agencies and individuals. Additionally, the budget includes $108.1 million ($20 million SGF) for agency operations, including staff salaries and numerous contracts.  

The FY 2024 budget funds the first year of the inflationary adjustment to the Base Aid for Student Excellence (BASE). The approved BASE is $5,088, which is an increase of 5% above the FY 2023 BASE of $4,846. 

FY 2025 

KSDE’s FY 2025 budget request totals $6.5 billion, including $4.8 billion from the SGF. The budget includes $6.4 billion ($4.8 billion SGF) for state aid to school districts, local education agencies and individuals. Additionally, the budget includes $69.2 million ($20.2 million SGF) for agency operations. The total decrease from the FY 2024 for agency operations is due to the expiration of COVID-19 relief funds.  

The FY 2025 budget funds the second year of the inflationary adjustment to the BASE. The current estimate for the FY 2025 BASE is $5,388, which is an increase of 5.9% above the FY 2024 BASE. However, the FY 2025 BASE will not be finalized until April 2024. 

The FY 2025 budget includes the following requests for additional funding approved by the Kansas State Board of Education. 

  • $86.7 million for special education services state aid. The State Board recommends a four-year plan to bring state aid for special education up to the required 92% of excess costs. 
  • $1.9 million for professional development state aid. 
  • $3 million for the Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) pilot program. 
  • $1 million for the Mentor Teacher program. 
  • $517,662 for Career and Technical Education (CTE) transportation. 
  • $85,000 to create a school safety auditor within KSDE. 
[EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Posted]: Sep 14, 2023,
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