KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

2021-2022 National School Bus Loading and Unloading report available

The 2021-2022 National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey report is now available. 

The survey is a collection of fatality accident reports provided by state agencies responsible for school transportation and/or accident records. 

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), along with the help of the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, asks that all states and Washington, D.C., provide data to KSDE to compile it for the report. 

Only fatalities involving school children in and around the loading and unloading areas of a school bus are included. The survey is provided annually to the school transportation industry to raise awareness of the dangers of loading and unloading school children. 

The 2021-2022 National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey is only available online at https://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/School%20Bus/Surveys/NSB-LUS-21-22.pdf?ver=2022-10-30-074309-987

Posted: Nov 3, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush

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