KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

CACFP home providers receive lesson in home baking, importance of using local products

CACFP home providers receive lesson in home baking, importance of using local products

Martin Luther King Jr. food program uses funds from subgrant to provide equipment, education

A Kansas Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsor used federal funds from the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Farm to School Grant to provide labor-saving equipment and education to 140 CACFP home day cares.

Shalonda Smith, director of the Martin Luther King Jr. CACFP in Salina, applied for a subgrant as part of the KSDE 2022 Farm to Plate School Grant, said Barb Depew, Farm to Plate project director at KSDE.

Martin Luther King Jr. CACFP was the recipient of $9,265.08. The funds were used to purchase waffle makers and pancake molds for 140 in-home licensed child care providers that are reimbursed through CACFP for serving nutritious meals to children.

The equipment was distributed during a Dec. 2 workshop in Salina, Depew said. About 75 people attended the workshop.

Smith also worked with Stafford County Mills to provide local white wheat flour as part of the project. Kodiak Power Waffle Mix and recipes were also donated as part of the project.

Depew attended the event to collect data, which will be used to determine the impact of adding local food to licensed home child care provider programs. The data also will help measure outcomes of the use of home baking and local flour.

Attendees also received training on the importance of labeling and healthy eating, as well as how food affects the body.

Posted: Dec 7, 2023,
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