Members of the Kansas State Board of Education received the 2023-24 annual report prepared by the Kansas State Department of Education during the board’s October meeting this week in Topeka.
Kansas Education Commissioner Randy Watson presented the report to board members, which includes the results of the 2024 state assessments in reading and math.
Members of the Kansas State Board of Education will receive the Kansas State Department of Education’s 2023-24 annual report from Education Commissioner Randy Watson during their October meeting, Oct. 8-9, in Topeka.
Dr. Watson will highlight Kansas education accomplishments, including the spring 2024 state assessments. He also will update board members on progress made on the Kansans Can outcomes of kindergarten readiness, social-emotional growth, civic engagement, individual plans of study (IPS), academically prepared for postsecondary, graduation and postsecondary success.
Members of the Kansas State Board of Education received an update during their September meeting on what districts will have to include in their at-risk accountability plans, the at-risk pilot initiative and the status of the list of evidence-based programs.
Members of the Kansas State Board of Education during their August meeting will finalize the framework for the blue-ribbon task force charged with developing recommendations for K-12 students’ digital device use during and outside of school hours.
During their July meeting, board members authorized Dr. Randy Watson, Kansas Education Commissioner, to form the working group charged with creating guidance for addressing several areas regarding the use of digital devices by K-12 Kansas students.
The Kansas State Board of Education has directed the creation of a blue-ribbon task force charged with making recommendations for student cell phone use in the classroom.
During their July meeting this week, board members asked Kansas Education Commissioner Dr. Randy Watson to form the group, which is expected to be comprised of two board members, students, teachers, principals and other education representatives.
They will be asked to provide recommendations for a policy or guidance for the non-academic use of cell phones during instructional time.
In this edition | Feature Story | Assessments and Accountability | Reporting and Operations Standards and Instruction | Student Health and Nutrition | Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition
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Denise Kahler (785) 296-4876
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