Public Review/Comment for Kansas Educator Licensure Program Standards


The Kansas State Department of Education is seeking public comment on proposed revised program standards for educator licensure.  These standards are designed to ensure educators prepared by Kansas educator preparation providers possess minimum knowledge and skills to be effective teachers and school leaders to work in Kansas schools.  The standard revision committees reviewed national standards, researched essential knowledge and best practices currently available, and gathered input from professional organizations in order to define what educators should know and be able to do at the time of program exit.

These standards are designed to provide a uniform guideline for Kansas educator preparation providers for program building and educator preparation.  A concerted effort was made to address discipline-specific content and pedagogy knowledge and professional skills.  In addition, these standards are intended to provide direction and guidance for professional learning for practitioners who are working in the field.

We would appreciate your feedback.  This public comment period will conclude thirty days after the standards are published. 
If multiple sets of standards are reviewed, please be sure to submit comments separately by license/endorsement area. 
Thank you for your assistance.


World Language PreK-12 preparation standards - revised to include American Sign Language as a World Language - posted for public comment until April 26, 2024

Crosswalk between World Languages 2017 standards and posted draft.



Teacher Licensure

Assistant Director
Catherine Chmidling

Questions about this page contact:
Catherine Chmidling

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