Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2021

D0492 USD 492 FLINTHILLS 0000047871

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000‑0110 000110 2021 SGF‑KPERS Employer Contributions‑USDs

J2210008 07/27/2020 N/A 551100 -74,247.82 J2210008 07/27/2020 N/A 551400 74,247.82 V21K0204 07/10/2020 0008452033 551100 74,247.82 V21K0553 10/12/2020 0008523908 551400 71,139.48 V21K0839 01/12/2021 0008597408 551400 78,121.80 V21K1125 04/12/2021 0008674841 551400 76,937.96 Total Fund Budget Unit 300,447.06 0.00

1000‑0320 000320 2021 Food Service Aid

V21N8294 06/15/2021 0008734171 551100 2,025.87 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,025.87 0.00

1000‑0440 000440 2021 Mentor Teacher

V21M0210 06/10/2021 0008730028 551100 500.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 500.00 0.00

1000‑0700 000700 2021 Special Education Services Aid

V21S0267 10/12/2020 0008524194 551100 73,944.00 V21S0558 12/10/2020 0008573978 551100 72,895.00 V21S0849 03/10/2021 0008647963 551100 48,220.00 V21S1139 04/12/2021 0008675127 551100 51,175.00 V21S1430 05/26/2021 0008717623 551100 76,160.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 322,394.00 0.00

1000‑0820 000820 2021 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2150489 07/07/2020 0008449157 551100 112,270.00 V2150775 07/29/2020 0008468106 551100 112,270.00 V2151061 08/27/2020 0008490302 551100 170,012.00 V2151410 09/28/2020 0008513893 551100 205,963.00 V2151696 10/28/2020 0008541323 551100 213,498.00 V2151982 11/25/2020 0008564398 551100 210,987.00 V2152269 12/29/2020 0008588818 551100 205,963.00 V2152841 02/24/2021 0008637052 551100 192,779.00 V2153127 03/29/2021 0008664465 551100 194,979.00 V2153413 04/28/2021 0008692496 551100 156,222.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,774,943.00 0.00

1000‑0820 000820 2022 State Foundation Aid (General State Aid)

V2250267 07/06/2021 N/A 551100 162,330.00 Total Account by Grant Year 162,330.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,937,273.00 0.00

1000‑0840 000840 2021 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V21L0448 09/28/2020 0008514161 551100 159,294.00 V21L0680 01/27/2021 0008612765 551100 156,706.00 V21L0912 06/21/2021 0008740752 551100 42,092.00 Total Account by Grant Year 358,092.00 0.00

1000‑0840 000840 2022 Supplemental State Aid (LOB)

V22L0216 07/06/2021 N/A 551100 31,689.00 Total Account by Grant Year 31,689.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 389,781.00 0.00

1000‑0860 000860 2021 Professional Development Aid

V21D0226 06/15/2021 0008733811 551100 3,877.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,877.00 0.00

1000‑0880 000880 2021 School District Capital Outlay

V21O0165 02/18/2021 0008628513 551100 49,359.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 49,359.00 0.00 Total State Aid 3,005,656.93 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2000‑2535 002535 2021 CIF‑Pre‑ K‑ Pilot

V21P0126 08/18/2020 0008480493 551100 3,750.00 V21P0418 11/10/2020 0008550351 551100 3,750.00 V21P0635 02/11/2021 0008623611 551100 3,750.00 V21P0900 05/25/2021 0008712777 551100 3,750.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 15,000.00 0.00

2538‑2030 002030 2021 State Safety

V21T0191 02/11/2021 0008623816 551100 2,142.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,142.00 0.00

2880‑2880 002880 2021 School District Capital Improvement

V21C0084 07/29/2020 0008468255 551100 85,315.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 85,315.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 102,457.00 0.00

Federal Aid

3113‑3113 003113 2021 ESSA‑StudSpprt Academic Enrich FloThru S424A200017 20E CFDA 84.424A

V21F2489 05/03/2021 0008695377 550100 11,516.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 11,516.00 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9923 2021 SFS ‑ Food 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V21N2165 11/10/2020 0008550120 550100 21,877.84 V21N3808 01/12/2021 0008597644 550100 33,412.80 V21N4900 02/23/2021 0008631504 550100 13,330.64 V21N5851 04/06/2021 0008671398 550100 34,620.95 V21N7386 06/01/2021 0008720955 550100 40,473.31 V21N7809 06/14/2021 0008731975 550100 14,333.47 Total Account 158,049.01 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9925 2021 SFS ‑ Sponsor Admin 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V21N2165 11/10/2020 0008550120 550100 2,259.66 V21N3808 01/12/2021 0008597644 550100 3,445.22 V21N4900 02/23/2021 0008631504 550100 1,374.48 V21N5851 04/06/2021 0008671398 550100 3,567.26 V21N7386 06/01/2021 0008720955 550100 4,167.16 V21N7809 06/14/2021 0008731975 550100 1,474.63 Total Account 16,288.41 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9988 2020 SFS ‑ CFC 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V21N0830 09/08/2020 0008496860 550100 212.85 Total Account by Grant Year 212.85 0.00

3230‑3020 003020 9988 2021 SFS ‑ CFC 10.559 CFDA 10.559

V21N2165 11/10/2020 0008550120 550100 101.99 V21N3808 01/12/2021 0008597644 550100 159.30 V21N4900 02/23/2021 0008631504 550100 63.59 V21N5851 04/06/2021 0008671398 550100 156.77 V21N7386 06/01/2021 0008720955 550100 185.09 V21N7809 06/14/2021 0008731975 550100 66.23 Total Account by Grant Year 732.97 0.00 Total Account 945.82 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 175,283.24 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4100 2020 ESSER I COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ FT S425D200002 20E CFDA 84.425D

V21F0214 08/03/2020 0008470672 550100 27,488.00 Total Account 27,488.00 0.00

3233‑3040 003040 4500 2020 ESSER I COVID‑19 Coronavirus ‑ Sped S425D200002 20E CFDA 84.425D

V21F0089 07/13/2020 0008452784 550100 5,625.00 Total Account 5,625.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 33,113.00 0.00

3323‑0531 000531 2021 TANF‑ Early Learning Kansans 93.558 93.558 CFDA 93.558

V21P0034 07/22/2020 0008461761 550100 12,500.00 V21P0302 10/22/2020 0008532524 550100 3,750.00 V21P0518 01/22/2021 0008604059 550100 11,250.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 27,500.00 0.00

3526‑3860 003860 2021 Supporting Effective Instruction (was Title IIA) S367A200015 20E CFDA 84.367A

V21F1915 03/08/2021 0008644562 550100 5,964.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 5,964.00 0.00

3530‑3500 003500 9906 2020 COVID‑19 Coronavirus 10.555 CFDA 10.555

V21N0830 09/08/2020 0008496860 550100 4,310.22 V21N0830 09/08/2020 0008496860 550100 42,002.40 Total Fund Budget Unit 46,312.62 0.00

3532‑3520 003520 2020 Title I  Low Income S010A190016 19E CFDA 84.010A

V21F0546 10/05/2020 0008518987 550100 17,849.00 Total Account by Grant Year 17,849.00 0.00

3532‑3520 003520 2021 Title I  Low Income S010A200016 20E CFDA 84.010A

V21F1386 01/04/2021 0008590869 550100 10,000.00 V21F1653 02/01/2021 0008615291 550100 8,219.00 Total Account by Grant Year 18,219.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 36,068.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 335,756.86 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7005‑7005 007005 2021 USD Contribution Checkoff Fund

V21A0224 02/10/2021 0008622782 559900 5.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 5.00 0.00

7393‑7000 007000 2021 State School District Finance

V2153985 06/21/2021 0008740517 551100 54,773.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 54,773.00 0.00

7393‑7010 007010 2021 School District 20‑Mill Levy

V2152555 01/27/2021 0008612405 551100 251,026.00 V2153699 06/10/2021 0008729777 551100 222,713.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 473,739.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 528,517.00 0.00 Total Aid 3,972,387.79 0.00 Notes to the Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 550000s or 770000s (i.e. 551100 or 773100) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2021 were delayed until July 1, 2021. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/6/2021
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