Kansas State Department of Education
Annual Federal and State Aid Funding Report - SFY 2017

D0475 USD 475 GEARY COUNTY 0000063040

Fund Account Account/Program Name Document Doc Date Warrant # Acct Code Payment Amt. Refund Amt.

State Aid

1000-0290 0290 2017 School District Juvenile Detention Facilities

V17J0011 12/12/2016 0007177221 551100 78,196.00 V17J0026 06/07/2017 0007348870 551100 78,195.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 156,391.00 0.00

1000-0320 0320 2017 Food Service Aid

V17N1979 10/18/2016 0007137795 551100 1,975.48 V17N2413 11/08/2016 0007154362 551100 3,625.40 V17N3287 12/13/2016 0007178468 551100 3,081.48 V17N3450 12/20/2016 0007183289 551100 3,188.96 V17N4483 02/07/2017 0007218186 551100 1,801.76 V17N5138 03/07/2017 0007246306 551100 3,452.48 V17N5790 04/04/2017 0007276922 551100 3,237.08 V17N6208 04/18/2017 0007290991 551100 2,636.84 V17N6902 05/16/2017 0007323754 551100 3,097.80 V17N7648 06/13/2017 0007354697 551100 2,635.72 V17N8221 06/20/2017 0007362341 551100 5,629.43 Total Fund Budget Unit 34,362.43 0.00

1000-0400 0400 2017 Discretionary Grants

V1703309 12/06/2016 0007173518 529900 60.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 60.00 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0100 2017 KPERS

V1750834 07/12/2016 0007023695 551400 1,482,541.98 V1751978 10/12/2016 0007132575 551400 1,265,762.10 V1754551 06/20/2017 0007361476 551400 1,810,151.90 Total Account 4,558,455.98 0.00

1000-0500 0500 0820 2017 General State Aid

V1750548 07/05/2016 0007019442 551100 750,603.00 V1751120 07/27/2016 0007034417 551100 498,188.00 V1751406 08/29/2016 0007099417 551100 3,498,185.00 V1751692 09/28/2016 0007120895 551100 2,621,082.00 V1752263 10/27/2016 N/A 551100 2,686,609.00 V1752549 11/28/2016 0007164661 551100 2,686,609.00 V1752835 12/28/2016 0007187372 551100 2,621,082.00 V1753407 02/24/2017 0007232664 551100 2,676,043.00 V1753693 03/29/2017 0007267048 551100 2,590,187.00 V1753979 04/26/2017 0007299666 551100 2,101,155.00 Total Account 22,729,743.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 27,288,198.98 0.00

1000-0630 0630 2017 Deaf Blind Aid

V1703699 12/22/2016 0007184665 551100 2,531.90 Total Fund Budget Unit 2,531.90 0.00

1000-0700 0700 2017 Special Education Services Aid

V17S0268 10/12/2016 0007132866 551100 1,689,861.00 V17S0560 12/12/2016 0007176362 551100 1,702,562.00 V17S0852 03/10/2017 0007249055 551100 1,076,783.00 V17S1144 04/12/2017 0007285586 551100 1,191,642.00 V17S1436 05/26/2017 0007337384 551100 1,862,854.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 7,523,702.00 0.00

1000-0770 0770 2017 Governor's Teaching Excellence Awards

V17B0034 05/10/2017 0007316859 551100 10,000.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 10,000.00 0.00

1000-0820 0820 2018 General State Aid

V1850261 07/03/2017 0007371722 551100 3,186,233.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,186,233.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2017 Supplemental General State Aid

V17L0444 09/28/2016 0007121136 551100 5,324,314.00 V17L0676 01/27/2017 0007206988 551100 5,324,315.00 V17L0908 06/20/2017 0007362000 551100 1,312,046.00 Total Account by Grant Year 11,960,675.00 0.00

1000-0840 0840 2018 Supplemental General State Aid

V18L0213 07/03/2017 0007371959 551100 1,350,111.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,350,111.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 13,310,786.00 0.00

1000-0880 0880 2017 School District Capital Outlay

V17O0170 02/10/2017 0007221109 551100 443,357.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 443,357.00 0.00 Total State Aid 51,955,622.31 0.00

Special Revenue State Aid

2000-2408 2408 2017 CIF- Children's Cabinet

V1700799 08/23/2016 0007076932 555900 22,228.41 V1701324 09/21/2016 0007116360 555900 40,909.01 V1701981 10/17/2016 0007135710 555900 34,338.79 V1702886 11/17/2016 0007159811 555900 32,756.57 V1703534 12/16/2016 0007181234 555900 28,206.02 V1704021 01/12/2017 0007198370 555900 31,357.94 V1704684 02/17/2017 0007226680 555900 30,908.80 V1705250 03/15/2017 0007255235 555900 29,770.82 V1705893 04/17/2017 0007289657 555900 29,238.19 V1706619 05/19/2017 0007326931 555900 38,346.01 V1707335 06/15/2017 0007357836 555900 86,933.29 Total Fund Budget Unit 404,993.85 0.00

2538-2030 2030 2017 State Safety

V17T0232 10/27/2016 0007147144 551100 12,032.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 12,032.00 0.00

2723-2060 M150 2017 Teacher & Administrator Fee Fund

V1703275 12/05/2016 0007172003 529900 105.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 105.00 0.00

2880-2880 2880 2017 School District Capital Improvement

V17C0110 07/27/2016 0007034539 551100 1,341,288.00 V17C0251 01/27/2017 0007206765 551100 269,503.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,610,791.00 0.00 Total Special Revenue State Aid 2,027,921.85 0.00

Federal Aid

3230-3020 3020 9923 2016 SFS - Food10.559 CFDA 10.559

V17N0373 07/26/2016 0007034116 550100 42,579.54 V17N0881 09/13/2016 0007111188 550100 6,866.85 Total Account 49,446.39 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9925 2016 SFS - Sponsor Admin10.559 CFDA 10.559

V17N0373 07/26/2016 0007034116 550100 4,422.78 V17N0881 09/13/2016 0007111188 550100 714.87 Total Account 5,137.65 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9926 2016 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables10.582 CFDA 10.582

V17N2967 12/06/2016 0007173743 550100 9,614.92 Total Account by Grant Year 9,614.92 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9926 2017 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables10.582 CFDA 10.582

V17N4100 01/24/2017 0007204299 550100 8,879.38 V17N4100 01/24/2017 0007204299 550100 11,122.06 V17N5363 03/09/2017 0007248753 550100 3,992.82 V17N5363 03/09/2017 0007248753 550100 13,164.41 V17N6248 04/18/2017 0007291031 550100 15,124.77 V17N6409 05/02/2017 0007309011 550100 7,084.59 V17N7140 06/06/2017 0007347008 550100 10,608.99 V17N7845 06/19/2017 0007361155 550100 220.50 V17N7845 06/19/2017 0007361155 550100 4,699.28 Total Account by Grant Year 74,896.80 0.00 Total Account 84,511.72 0.00

3230-3020 3020 9988 2016 SFS - CFC10.559 CFDA 10.559

V17N0373 07/26/2016 0007034116 550100 235.89 V17N0881 09/13/2016 0007111188 550100 32.92 Total Account 268.81 0.00

3230-3020 R201 2016 Federal School Food Service10.560 CFDA 10.560

V1704775 02/22/2017 0007231069 523200 50.00 Total Account 50.00 0.00

3230-3020 R680 2014 Team Nutrition Training-Comp. (FY14)FOOD CFDA 10.574

V1701004 09/01/2016 0007109268 559900 250.00 Total Account 250.00 0.00

3230-3020 R684 2015 Team Nutrition Training-Comp. (FY15)FOOD CFDA 10.574

V1701814 10/11/2016 0007131964 559900 4,260.00 V1703825 01/04/2017 0007193245 559900 250.00 V1706834 06/02/2017 0007342892 559900 500.00 Total Account 5,010.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 144,674.57 0.00

3233-3040 3040 9930 2016 T I Sec 2 DelinquenS010A150016 15E CFDA 84.010

V17F0099 08/08/2016 0007068526 550100 46,642.00 V17F0189 09/06/2016 0007107163 550100 8,046.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 13,458.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 5,070.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 10,491.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 4,955.00 Total Account by Grant Year 88,662.00 0.00

3233-3040 3040 9930 2017 T I Sec 2 DelinquenS010A160016 16E CFDA 84.010

V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 7,674.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 68,274.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 10,548.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 16,055.00 Total Account by Grant Year 102,551.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 191,213.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2016 EHC Flo-ThruH027A150031 15E CFDA 84.027

V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 9,086.00 V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 14,050.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 7,573.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 710,337.00 Total Account by Grant Year 741,046.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 1000 2017 EHC Flo-ThruH027A160031 16E CFDA 84.027

V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 1,340.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 137,861.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 1,340.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 138,718.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 1,340.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 138,837.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 1,340.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 138,564.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 2,681.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 277,619.00 Total Account by Grant Year 839,640.00 0.00 Total Account 1,580,686.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 2016 EHC Flo-Thru DiscH027A150031 15E CFDA 84.027

V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 30,518.00 Total Account by Grant Year 30,518.00 0.00

3234-3050 3050 5000 2017 EHC Flo-Thru DiscH027A160031 16E CFDA 84.027

V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 5,076.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 551.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 6,680.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 808.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 7,765.00 Total Account by Grant Year 20,880.00 0.00 Total Account 51,398.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,632,084.00 0.00

3323-0530 0530 2017 TANF- Parents as Teachers 93.558

V17P0052 09/23/2016 0007117738 550100 13,544.00 V17P0108 12/22/2016 0007184752 550100 21,633.00 V17P0167 03/23/2017 0007262372 550100 20,471.00 V17P0224 06/14/2017 0007356794 550100 21,986.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 77,634.00 0.00

3323-0531 0531 2017 TANF- Pre-K Pilot 93.558

V1701361 09/21/2016 0007116379 550100 18,029.00 V1702157 10/20/2016 0007139123 550100 49,627.00 V1703002 11/18/2016 0007160692 550100 15,235.00 V1703640 12/20/2016 0007183227 550100 33,076.00 V1704175 01/20/2017 0007202332 550100 28,167.00 V1704748 02/21/2017 0007229751 550100 32,512.00 V1705351 03/17/2017 0007256820 550100 35,337.00 V1706028 04/20/2017 0007294906 550100 35,575.00 V1706653 05/22/2017 0007328912 550100 87,900.00 V1707226 06/13/2017 0007354592 550100 35,575.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 371,033.00 0.00

3519-3890 3890 2016 Title IV 21st Century Community Learning CenterS287C150016 15E CFDA 84.287

V17F0099 08/08/2016 0007068526 550100 4,474.00 V17F0189 09/06/2016 0007107163 550100 1,213.00 V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 88.00 V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 1,856.00 Total Account by Grant Year 7,631.00 0.00

3519-3890 3890 2017 Title IV 21st Century Community Learning CenterS287C160016 16E CFDA 84.287

V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 292.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 1,270.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 2,064.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 3,606.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 5,973.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 12,749.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 5,847.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 6,262.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 13,131.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 24,022.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 7,333.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 6,129.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 7,980.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 4,670.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 12,509.00 Total Account by Grant Year 113,837.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 121,468.00 0.00

3522-3820 3820 2016 English Language Acquisition- Flo-thruS365A150016 15E CFDA 84.365

V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 1,275.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 4,227.00 Total Account by Grant Year 5,502.00 0.00

3522-3820 3820 2017 English Language Acquisition- Flo-thruS365A160016 16E CFDA 84.365

V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 2,738.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 3,314.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 7,040.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 11,339.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 2,278.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 3,542.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 3,532.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 6,578.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 3,525.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 8,066.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 3,532.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 4,168.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 16,935.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 22,365.00 Total Account by Grant Year 98,952.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 104,454.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2016 Title II- Improving Teacher QualityS367A150015 15E CFDA 84.367

V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 3,626.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 13,977.00 Total Account by Grant Year 17,603.00 0.00

3526-3860 3860 2017 Title II- Improving Teacher QualityS367A160015 16E CFDA 84.367

V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 16,695.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 33,796.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 45,551.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 36,896.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 7,664.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 13,674.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 143,100.00 Total Account by Grant Year 297,376.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 314,979.00 0.00

3527-3870 5000 D908 2016 Title II- Improving TQ-Disc- KTOY Ldrshp & Leg. DaS367A150015 15E CFDA 84.367

V1705342 03/17/2017 0007256817 529900 120.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 120.00 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2016 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V17N1979 10/18/2016 0007137795 550100 31,252.58 Total Account by Grant Year 31,252.58 0.00

3529-3490 3490 9904 2017 School Breakfast10.553 CFDA 10.553

V17N2413 11/08/2016 0007154362 550100 60,855.18 V17N3287 12/13/2016 0007178468 550100 49,841.01 V17N3450 12/20/2016 0007183289 550100 54,331.49 V17N4483 02/07/2017 0007218186 550100 29,665.63 V17N5138 03/07/2017 0007246306 550100 56,837.94 V17N5790 04/04/2017 0007276922 550100 56,179.79 V17N6208 04/18/2017 0007290991 550100 46,259.09 V17N6902 05/16/2017 0007323754 550100 54,744.42 V17N7648 06/13/2017 0007354697 550100 47,893.53 Total Account by Grant Year 456,608.08 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 487,860.66 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2016 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N1979 10/18/2016 0007137795 550100 118,039.10 Total Account by Grant Year 118,039.10 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9902 2017 Section 410.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N2413 11/08/2016 0007154362 550100 215,217.06 V17N3287 12/13/2016 0007178468 550100 177,144.78 V17N3450 12/20/2016 0007183289 550100 184,897.74 V17N4483 02/07/2017 0007218186 550100 104,106.56 V17N5138 03/07/2017 0007246306 550100 202,847.16 V17N5790 04/04/2017 0007276922 550100 190,202.38 V17N6208 04/18/2017 0007290991 550100 153,868.50 V17N6902 05/16/2017 0007323754 550100 181,627.92 V17N7648 06/13/2017 0007354697 550100 154,374.56 Total Account by Grant Year 1,564,286.66 0.00 Total Account 1,682,325.76 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9903 2016 Section 1110.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N1979 10/18/2016 0007137795 550100 133.30 V17N2413 11/08/2016 0007154362 550100 2,300.50 Total Account by Grant Year 2,433.80 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9903 2017 Section 1110.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N3287 12/13/2016 0007178468 550100 2,823.38 V17N3450 12/20/2016 0007183289 550100 2,899.92 V17N4483 02/07/2017 0007218186 550100 1,861.90 V17N5138 03/07/2017 0007246306 550100 3,855.38 V17N5790 04/04/2017 0007276922 550100 3,440.86 V17N6208 04/18/2017 0007290991 550100 2,279.86 V17N6902 05/16/2017 0007323754 550100 2,848.32 V17N7648 06/13/2017 0007354697 550100 891.82 Total Account by Grant Year 20,901.44 0.00 Total Account 23,335.24 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2016 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N1979 10/18/2016 0007137795 550100 11,359.01 Total Account by Grant Year 11,359.01 0.00

3530-3500 3500 9912 2017 Cash for Commodities10.555 CFDA 10.555

V17N2413 11/08/2016 0007154362 550100 20,846.05 V17N3287 12/13/2016 0007178468 550100 17,718.51 V17N3450 12/20/2016 0007183289 550100 18,336.52 V17N4483 02/07/2017 0007218186 550100 10,360.12 V17N5138 03/07/2017 0007246306 550100 19,851.76 V17N5790 04/04/2017 0007276922 550100 18,613.21 V17N6208 04/18/2017 0007290991 550100 15,161.83 V17N6902 05/16/2017 0007323754 550100 17,812.35 V17N7648 06/13/2017 0007354697 550100 15,155.39 Total Account by Grant Year 153,855.74 0.00 Total Account 165,214.75 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,870,875.75 0.00

3531-3510 3510 9921 2016 Meal Costs10.558 CFDA 10.558

V17N1893 10/18/2016 0007137714 550100 825.93 Total Account by Grant Year 825.93 0.00

3531-3510 3510 9921 2017 Meal Costs10.558 CFDA 10.558

V17N2490 11/08/2016 0007154429 550100 2,231.62 V17N3367 12/13/2016 0007178534 550100 1,662.21 V17N3496 12/20/2016 0007183329 550100 2,025.34 V17N4607 02/07/2017 0007218297 550100 1,039.95 V17N4928 02/22/2017 0007231109 550100 2,071.89 V17N5693 03/28/2017 0007266748 550100 1,883.38 V17N6295 04/18/2017 0007291070 550100 1,560.45 V17N6985 05/16/2017 0007323829 550100 1,876.02 V17N7723 06/13/2017 0007354759 550100 1,393.85 Total Account by Grant Year 15,744.71 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 16,570.64 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2016 Title I Low IncomeS010A150016 15E CFDA 84.010

V17F0099 08/08/2016 0007068526 550100 1,020,140.00 V17F0189 09/06/2016 0007107163 550100 25,194.00 Total Account by Grant Year 1,045,334.00 0.00

3532-3520 3520 2017 Title I Low IncomeS010A160016 16E CFDA 84.010

V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 24,763.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 137,662.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 145,190.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 14,177.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 250,671.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 4,933.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 170,359.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 69,251.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 135,068.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 207,380.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 95,155.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 508,282.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 64,576.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 794,276.00 Total Account by Grant Year 2,621,743.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 3,667,077.00 0.00

3534-3540 1000 T401 2016 Title VI - Part B IDEA - AdministrationH027A150031 15E CFDA 84.027

V1707198 06/13/2017 0007354575 529900 582.12 Total Fund Budget Unit 582.12 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2016 EC Flo-ThruH173A150034 15E CFDA 84.173

V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 469.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 29,931.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 4,989.00 Total Account by Grant Year 35,389.00 0.00

3535-3550 3550 1000 2017 EC Flo-ThruH173A160034 16E CFDA 84.173

V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 4,989.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 4,989.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 4,989.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 9,976.00 Total Account by Grant Year 24,943.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 60,332.00 0.00

3536-3560 T404 2015 Early Childhood - DiscretionaryH173A140034 14E CFDA 84.173

V1701229 09/14/2016 0007112793 529900 1,500.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 1,500.00 0.00

3539-3590 3590 9920 2016 Program Improv SecV048A150016 15E CFDA 84.048

V17F0099 08/08/2016 0007068526 550100 3,599.00 V17F0189 09/06/2016 0007107163 550100 2.00 V17F0189 09/06/2016 0007107163 550100 5,139.00 V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 12,889.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 22,273.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 2,042.00 Total Account by Grant Year 45,944.00 0.00

3539-3590 3590 9920 2017 Program Improv SecV048A160016 16E CFDA 84.048

V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 416.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 320.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 1,124.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 3,811.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 6,135.00 V17F2611 06/05/2017 0007345450 550100 20,520.00 Total Account by Grant Year 32,326.00 0.00 Total Account 78,270.00 0.00

3539-3590 3590 9922 2016 Reserve FundV048A150016 15E CFDA 84.048

V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 1,200.00 Total Account 1,200.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 79,470.00 0.00

3592-3070 R683 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS) - Special Project FY155U87PS004138-03 CFDA 93.079

V1702122 10/19/2016 0007138368 529900 450.00 Total Account 450.00 0.00

3592-3070 R733 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS) - Special Project FY165U87PS004138-04 CFDA 93.079

V1703594 12/16/2016 0007181254 529900 1,000.00 Total Account 1,000.00 0.00

3592-3070 U904 2017 Homeless Child FY2016S196A150017 15E CFDA 84.196

V17F0099 08/08/2016 0007068526 550100 7,312.00 Total Account 7,312.00 0.00

3592-3070 U905 2017 Homeless Child FY2017S196A160017 16E CFDA 84.196

V17F0434 10/03/2016 0007126519 550100 4,910.00 V17F0705 11/07/2016 0007152922 550100 3,296.00 V17F0982 12/05/2016 0007172250 550100 876.00 V17F1263 01/09/2017 0007195207 550100 2,326.00 V17F1522 02/06/2017 0007216782 550100 1,368.00 V17F1786 03/06/2017 0007244814 550100 685.00 V17F2064 04/10/2017 0007282137 550100 298.00 V17F2330 05/08/2017 0007315421 550100 9,241.00 Total Account 23,000.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 31,762.00 0.00 Total Federal Aid 9,173,689.74 0.00

Other State Aid from 7000

7307-5000 R667 2017 KHF- School Wellness Policy Project

V1706312 05/05/2017 0007312665 529900 450.00 Total Account 450.00 0.00

7307-5000 R674 2017 KHF- Let's Move Active Kansas Schools

V1702111 10/19/2016 0007138357 529900 300.00 Total Account 300.00 0.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 750.00 0.00

7393-7010 7010 2017 School District 20-Mill Levy

V1753121 01/27/2017 0007206653 551100 3,311,935.00 V1754265 06/14/2017 0007355090 551100 3,093,527.00 V1754837 06/20/2017 0007361762 551100 719,287.00 Total Fund Budget Unit 7,124,749.00 0.00 Total Other State Aid from 7000 7,125,499.00 0.00 Total Aid 70,282,732.90 0.00 Notes to the Annual State Funding Report: 1. All payments received with an 'Acct Code' in the 5000s or 7000s (i.e. 5110 or 7310) are pass-through payments and received by the entity as a subrecipient. All other payments are for services performed by the entity. 2. All documents with a prefix of 'F' and 'J' are internal adjusting entries to correct errors and omissions. 'V' documents are voucher payments and 'S' documents are receipt vouchers. 3. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number should be provided on all payments from federal sources 4. This report provides accounting activity only from the Kansas State Department of Education and no other state or federal agency. For example, it does not include School-To-Work grants issued by the Department of Commerce and Housing or postsecondary aid payments distributed by the Kansas Board of Regents. 5. As a result of the state's financial condition, a portion of general state aid and supplemental general state aid payments due to local school districts in June 2017 were delayed until July 1, 2017. Even though school districts did not receive these payments until July, according to K.S.A. 72-6417, they are to be recorded and accounted for by school districts in June. 6. Payments shown under Fund 7393-7000 are for general state aid.

Last Updated 7/19/2017
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